Sawyer Hudson Powell was delivered by c-section on April 21, 2010!! He weighed 5 lbs 6 oz and was 17 3/4 inches long!! He is in the NICU at Baptist Medical Center East in Montgomery. He has been able to breath on his on the entire time. The only problem is his digestive system. They have done countless xrays and they don't see any twist or blockages. They seem to think that his digestive system is premature! Thank goodness!! He was on breast milk and his body was not digesting it so they put him on a lacto free formula. Everything was going fine and they switched him back to breast milk. BAD MOVE!!! He was up to eating 25cc of milk and when the nurse checked he had 14cc of the 25cc on his stomach. His stomach was bloated from 26cm to 28cm. They put him on a machine to get all of the liquid off and to help his stomach rest. He has had a much better day today and is not off the machine and only has one iv! They have moved him back to an open crib and is doing well. We are waiting to hear from another Xray that was done at 6pm. If all goes well he will get formula again at his 11:00pm feeding tonight!! We have been so busy going to visit him everyday and appreciate the calls, messages and prayers. We are so in love with this precious gift from God. I know that Sawyer was his before he was mine and I know that God is watching over him all the time!! But here are some pictures of our baby boy!!
Smiling Baby!!
My Boys!!
Hand on Daddy's face!
My baby boy!!
Meme and Sawyer!